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Developing Emotional Resilience



• Hi, this is Grant Herbert, International Influencer and Sustainable Performance Coach and this week I want to continue our conversation by sharing the secrets of Emotional Resilience.

• Today’s leaders, more than ever, need the capacity to maintain cognitive function in the face of major stress and pressure.

• More often than not, you may feel overwhelmed and depleted, unable to think straight and direct creative energy towards problem solving and ideation.

• You feel worn down, unable to cope, disillusioned and disengaged. I know this from my own personal journey and it destroys self confidence and makes it even harder to sustain your performance.

• So, how do we shift this around and see some different results? We develop our Emotional Resilience.

• When you have Emotional Resilience you perceive adversity as temporary and you constantly evolve through pain and trauma. You accept things as they really are, continuing to grow through them.

• The 3 key components that help or hinder your Emotional Resilience are COGNITION, PERCEPTION, & ACTION.

• Here are 5 areas to work on that will help you build your Emotional Resilience, so you can bounce through the stresses of life and be happier and healthier along the journey: 1. Self- Awareness, 2. Perseverance, 3. Emotional Management, 4. Agile Mindset, 5. Interpersonal Relationships

• If this is helping you make some positive change, make sure you subscribe and share it with your friends. If you could do with a little more help, grab your copy of my eBook and video series Stress Reduction Maximiser”.

Well, that’s it from me for another week. Join me again next week when we continue the conversation by unpacking the power of Social Resilience. See you then.



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One of the most critical skills needed to navigate the complexity of our modern world is the ability to calm your frantic mind when you encounter negative experiences.

Hi, this is Grant Herbert, International Influencer and Sustainable Performance Coach and this week I want to continue our conversation by sharing the secrets of Emotional Resilience.

Today’s leaders, more than ever, need the capacity to maintain cognitive function in the face of major stress and pressure.

More often than not, you may feel overwhelmed and depleted, unable to think straight and direct creative energy towards problem solving and ideation.

You carry the emotional baggage from the last situation into the next, causing you to behave out of character and damaging your relationships.

You feel worn down, unable to cope, disillusioned and disengaged. I know this from my own personal journey and it destroys self confidence and makes it even harder to sustain your performance.

So, how do we shift this around and see some different results? We develop our Emotional Resilience.

Emotional Resilience builds your intrinsic motivation, allowing you to do what you do for the personal reward and not for the external one. It drives positive behaviour that produces exceptional results.

It’s an inner force, carrying you through the downtimes in life, providing strength to power through the storms.

Emotional Resilience is an art of living with self-belief, self-compassion and enhanced cognition, helping you to bounce back from stressful situations without it affecting your internal motivation.

When you have Emotional Resilience you perceive adversity as temporary and you constantly evolve through pain and trauma. You accept things as they really are, continuing to grow through them.

There are 3 key components that help or hinder your Emotional Resilience:

1. Cognition - this is the way you ‘think’ during a situation or event.

They say that “As a man, or woman, thinks, so they are”. Your thoughts breed beliefs and your beliefs guide who you become.

2. Perception - this is how you ‘analyse’ a situation and form conclusions about what it means and what will happen.

Your perception is your reality. Even if in reality it’s not true, you can make it true for you. How you deconstruct a situation will surely determine your next moves, if you move at all.

3. Action - your response to it.

It’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s what you do in that situation that will determine the outcome.

So how can we prepare for the situations that lie ahead of us?

Here are 5 areas to work on that will help you build your Emotional Resilience, so you can bounce through the stresses of life and be happier and healthier along the journey.

Number 1: Self- Awareness - this is having clarity around who you are, your strengths, your areas that need development, your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings, your triggers, what motivates you and what depletes you.

Number 2: Perseverance - your ability to persist and be diligent in the face of adversity and set backs.

Number 3: Emotional Management - your ability to know what emotions you are feeling and why, understanding the thought processes you go through and the messages that are being sent to you from your body.

Number 4: Agile Mindset - this is a set of attitudes that support a flexible working environment. They include the ability to adapt and change, collaboration, taking ownership, delivering value and continuous improvement.

Number 5: Interpersonal Relationships - having strong interpersonal relationships is both a pre-requisite and a by product of Emotional Resilience. Doing the journey alongside people who have your back is priceless in today’s fast paced world.

There are many things we could add to the list however these are my top 5. What else would you add? I would love to see some thoughts below in the comments.

Over the next few weeks we will cover some of these in detail but for now, just flag them for reflection in your quiet time and assess where you are strong and what you need to work on. Drop some comments and questions in the comments below so I can scratch where you are itching as we continue this journey of incremental improvement together. I’m here to serve you so let me know what you need help with right now.

If this is helping you make some positive change, make sure you subscribe and share it with your friends. If you could do with a little more help, grab your copy of my eBook and video series “Stress Reduction Maximiser”.

Well, that’s it from me for another week. Join me again next week when we continue the conversation by unpacking the power of Social Resilience. See you then.

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