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Moving the Trees to See the Forest


Do you continually lose sight of where you're going because you're stuck in the circumstances of what's going on right now? Do you find it difficult to stay inspired to go towards what you said you were going to do this year because things aren't going as you thought they would go?

Well, if that's you stick with me because this week, I want to show you how you can change the way that you see things.

We all work in a world that is not a utopia. Things don't go perfectly, and they never will. We all need to adapt and adjust to the fast-paced, ever-changing world we're working in right now. So, let's go back to basics and build a foundation, keeping your eyes on where you are going so that you can stay on top when everybody else is falling back. That's going to allow you to stand up above everybody else, advance your career, and get the results that you want a lot faster and in a much more enjoyable way.

You may feel that because of your circumstances right now, you cannot see the forest for the trees, but you can look past them. You can incrementally change the way you think about yourself and about where it is that you want to go and rekindle that vision. Your vision will sustain you when times are tough. You need to have one strong enough to do that.

Well, that's it from me for another week. Join me again next week as we put all these elements together that we've talked about in intention. When we look at what intention is, we looked at your values, priorities and now your vision, and we put that together for you to put together a plan for your career moving forward.

I'll see you then.



Do you continually lose sight of where you're going because you're stuck in the circumstances of what's going on right now? Do you find it difficult to stay inspired to go towards what you said you were going to do this year because things aren't going as you thought they would go?

Well, if that's you stick with me because this week, I want to show you how you can change the way that you see things.

Hi, this is Grant Herbert, Leadership and Sustainable Performance Coach, and today I want to continue our conversation around being intentional by helping you to move the trees so you can see the forest.

Over the last few weeks, we've been talking about this competency of intention. It's about doing things on purpose rather than just the day-after-day Groundhog Day experience of just turning up. It's about having your values out in front of you, and aligning your actions with who you are, which allows you to stay motivated and excited even when things aren't going how you want them to.

We all work in a world that is not a utopia. Things don't go perfectly, and they never will. We all need to adapt and adjust to the fast-paced, ever-changing world we're working in right now. So, let's go back to basics and build a foundation, keeping your eyes on where you are going so that you can stay on top when everybody else is falling back. That's going to allow you to stand up above everybody else, advance your career, and get the results that you want a lot faster and in a much more enjoyable way.

How do you move the trees out of the road?

You've all heard the saying, "I can't see the forest for the trees." The trees are what's right in front of you right now, so you can't see where you're going. You've lost that vision because you're stuck here.

How do you get those trees out of the way? Well, the first thing is, you don't. They're still there. The trees are still there, but you just need to look at them in a different way. You need to look at them but also look beyond them as well.

Whenever I work with someone, and I'm looking at where they've been and where they're going, I like to do that in a healthy way. I like to do that in a way that makes them feel good about what they've done and where they're going rather than feeling bad and giving them more evidence of why they feel the way they do about themselves. As we've said many times, that identity of who you believe you are and who you believe you're not is the foundation for everything you want to do.

What you need to do is reflect on where you’ve been, making sure that you keep your eyes focused on where you’re going. It's like when you’re driving along in a car. You’ve got this big windscreen in front of you that gives us a clear view of where you are going, and you’ve got this little rear vision mirror that you look in to see where you’ve been and to make sure that there's nothing coming up behind you.

However, if you keep your eyes fixed on that rearview mirror, you’re going to hit something, you’re going to go off the road and go off track. So, you need to make sure that as you are moving forward, that's where you keep most of your focus. I like to call it forward-focused reflection. Have a quick look, see where you've been, and learn from what went well and what didn't, but make sure that you keep your eyes forward.

Also, if we keep the metaphor of driving in the car, if you look down right where you are, looking at the gear lever or keeping your eyes on the dials only and not looking up at the windscreen, you will have that same effect. So, it's a matter of being able to keep a balance between what it is that you've done, what it is you're doing, and where you're going.

It's like a meerkat. You'll see meerkats working together. They're amazing creatures, and they scurry along doing whatever they're doing, but they've always got one person on guard. Even as individuals, they'll scurry along for a while, then they'll look up, scan the area, make sure that everything's as they want it to be, and they'll get back to their work. I love that metaphor because that's what you and I need to do as well.

If we focus only on where we're going and don't consider what we're doing, we'll face similar challenges.

So, make sure that you keep one eye on where you're going. Then you need to keep that windscreen clean. You need to make sure that you’ve got windscreen wipers that work well, and that's your ability to let stuff happen but then just move through it.

It's about our emotional intelligence—we've talked about that. It's about looking at things differently. You need to keep a clean view of where you’re going, and that requires you to keep that internal dialogue—that mini-me—in check and to look at things differently.

So that's how you do it, but what is it? What is this thing called your vision?

We looked at your values, and that's what is important to you. We looked at your priorities and aligned them with your values. But your vision is a predetermined place that you are going.

Nowadays, 10-year plans have gone out the door, and three-year plans are even more challenging. Things change so quickly. But what I want to encourage you to do is look at the next year and go:

"Where do I see myself being a year from now?”

And that's the key. It’s not where I want to go but where I see myself. Look at that and let that be your vision so that everything you do in every area of your life is taking you towards that goal. Does it mean that it's a straight line and it's going to happen all the time? No. We're going to look at that next week and how we can plan and put in the right contingencies and resources so that we get there quicker and get the results that we want.

But today, we're talking about having that vision.

“What's your vision for you?”

It's not anybody else's vision for you.

“Why is it that you do what you do, and where's it taking you?”

So, keep that vision going and out in front of you.

I find that a lot of times when I'm working with clients, I need to have a conversation with them, facilitating great questions so that they can rebirth that vision because, just like everybody else, they're human, and they've lost all that stuff because they've got themselves to a position where they believe they're never going to get there, or they're not worthy of it, or whatever it is that's holding them back. Those roadblocks are constantly being put in front of them in the journey, not by others but by themselves.

So, having that conversation is something you might need to do as well. Find someone, whether it be me or someone else, who can sit down with you and rekindle that vision.

A lot of times, what people do when they're putting out their vision is they only go as far as they feel that they can reach. They only look at what they've done in the past and allow that to determine where they are going to end up.

When you're looking at buying financial products, there's a disclaimer that goes something like, "Past performance does not determine where things go in the future," or something like that. Let's look at that in the context of what we're talking about here. Your past failings don't determine the size of your vision; YOU DO. That inner calling that you've got, the impact that you want to make, the influence that you want to be, the people that you want to serve—that's what your vision is all about.

To create this vision, start off thinking of it as if it's already happened. See it, hear it, touch it, smell it—whatever it is for you. Be able to have a clear picture in your mind's eye of where you're going to end up. When I'm doing this with someone, and I'm doing it for their year, I love them to start by writing this down with “It is” and putting in the date. So, it might be the date that they're actually finishing work for that year. Let's say it’s the 22nd of December.

"So, it is the 22nd of December, 2024 and….”

Then, they paint a picture in the narrative of what they see, what they see for themselves in relation to their goals, and what they want to achieve. Saying it as if it's already happened, and then finishing it off by saying, "And it feels," and capturing how they're going to feel when they reach that.

Now, for you, where you are right now, you might find that a little bit ethereal, a little bit airy-fairy, and a bit woo-woo, and that's okay. I had to overcome that roadblock as well.

You may feel that because of your circumstances right now, you cannot see the forest for the trees, but you can look past them. You can incrementally change the way you think about yourself and about where it is that you want to go and rekindle that vision. Your vision will sustain you when times are tough. You need to have one strong enough to do that.

Well, that's it from me for another week. Join me again next week as we put all these elements together that we've talked about in intention. When we look at what intention is, we looked at your values, priorities and now your vision, and we put that together for you to put together a plan for your career moving forward.

I'll see you then.

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