Sell Their Transformation Not Your Coaching
Are you holding yourself back from putting your online coaching program out there in the world because you're asking yourself the question, "Why would they buy mine? There are so many programs out there right now". Well, stick with me in this episode because this week, I'm going to help you understand how to put together your program that uses your unique experiences and your 'Sensei Superpower' so that people not only want to buy it, but they consume it, and get the results that they want.
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, Emotional Intelligence Speaker and Trainer of the Year and Master Coach Trainer, and this week, I want to continue our conversation about helping you to grow your coaching practice by teaching you how to put together your 'Unique Roadmap'.
There are three key elements that we need to look at when we're designing your 'Unique Roadmap'.
The first of those is we need to draw out the program hierarchy.
The second element that we want to do, now that we've drawn all that out is: in each of those nine steps, what's the transformation that you're going to take them through? So when we put all those transformations together in that logical sequence, it will actually achieve the end result.
The third thing to work on as we design your 'Unique Roadmap' is to design the tools and the templates that your clients are going to use to go through those transformations.
Well, that's the design phase of your program. If you would love to get some help on designing your online coaching program so that you can get out there and help more people and be a greater influence in the world, making a consistent income and a bigger impact in your world, then reach out. Put a comment down below. If you're listening to this on the podcast, I'd love you to leave a five star review and ask your question, put your insights in there. What's been most valuable for you as I've taken you through this program, as I've taken you through this first stage? What questions do you still have that I can answer?
I love how I now, through changing what I'm doing because of pivoting through COVID as we've all had to do, that I can help coaches get that clarity that they need, that confidence that they need to get out there with their online coaching and change the lives that are waiting to be changed. I've really enjoyed doing this series with you and I look forward to continuing the journey as together, we help to change the world one life at a time. Well, that's it from me for another week. Join me again next week as we continue the conversation. Make sure that you hit the subscribe button and you click on the little bell so that you hear when I'm online again. I'll see you then.
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Are you holding yourself back from putting your online coaching program out there in the world because you're asking yourself the question, "Why would they buy mine? There are so many programs out there right now". Well, stick with me in this episode because this week, I'm going to help you understand how to put together your program that uses your unique experiences and your 'Sensei Superpower' so that people not only want to buy it, but they consume it, and get the results that they want.
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, Emotional Intelligence Speaker and Trainer of the Year and Master Coach Trainer, and this week, I want to continue our conversation about helping you to grow your coaching practice by teaching you how to put together your 'Unique Roadmap'.
So last week, we talked about getting or clarity on your message. Before that we talked about the 'Hot Avatar', the people that have got the problems that you solve right now, and we are clear on what it is that you do differently to other people. So now as we continue to do this designing phase in analog, getting the pen and paper out and putting together a program, now we can grab all those elements and put them together in a logical sequence that clearly shows potential clients that you can take them from where they are now to where they want to go. So just to recap on a few things that we've talked about in previous weeks, and that is we need to be very specific. So, we need to make sure that our program, as we design the roadmap, solves one specific problem.
It has one pathway to get there. It is in a logical sequence. It has measurable milestones so that your prospects can see that it is feasible and possible and give them certainty in themselves and you that they're going to be able to follow this program and get the result that they want. A great program is not a course, it's transformational, and we need to make sure that our focus is transformational. To do that, we can take them on a visual journey. We use models and alliteration and simple steps so that they understand exactly where it is that you're taking them. And it's like sitting down and working out where you are going on a road trip. So, we start here and we map out all the different places that we're going to go along the way. We map out when we need to get fuel and all those things. By the way, this is a metaphor. It's not something that I was very good at in my younger years, and I did push the envelope on the fuel gauge quite a number of times. But looking at the fact that we're going on a journey, people need to be able to see where it is that we're going and what the stops are along the way. They need to understand what is it that we need to take with us and how are we going to go from point A to point B. What's the vehicle?
So, there are three key elements that we need to look at when we're designing your 'Unique Roadmap'. The first of those is we need to draw out the program hierarchy. That is where we can do a brain dump of all the content that we could put into our program and make sure that it goes in a logical sequence. So just as I've been doing with you, as I've taken you through this series that we're doing right now, the Online Program Launchpad has three stages that we take people through. So, the first stage is where we're talking about right now, and that's the design stage. Once we go through design, we then go to create. When we've completed create, we then go to automate putting that together in a hierarchy so that you have a mud map, a mind map, whatever it is that you use, a visual representation of what goes where is the first thing that you want to consider when building your 'Unique Roadmap'.
The biggest part of this process is that once we've drawn out that hierarchy is what I mentioned before, and that's that brain dump. A great program is not a great program because it has lots of stuff in it. A great program is one that takes you from where you want to go in the fastest possible way. So, one of the things that we do as coaches, as experts, as trainers, is we want to tell them everything that we know in that program, and we stack it full of what we think is value. And a lot of times, that actually stops them from going where they need to go, because it creates overwhelm and they never get it done. So as we're building out this hierarchy, the thing that I love to take coaches through is an exercise where they get to get everything out of their brain. They put it in three boxes and then they have resources that they could put in their program. Just because you know it, doesn't mean it has to go in there.
So now that we've built that hierarchy of our program, what we'll end up with is three stages. There'll be three steps in each of those stages. So, nine overall. So now that we've got that, what we want to do is for each of those, we want to develop the A to B transformations. So, what we want to help ourselves and our potential clients get clear on is what the transformation is for that particular step. So, the overall program is, in this case, to go from having lots of information, but not sure what to do with it, to actually having a program out there in the market in 60 days or less. So, that's the overall transformation. However, step one of that, which is the first step of the first stage is 'Expert Positioning'. So, that's to go and have a transformation from being a generalist to a specialist. So, the second element that we want to do is, now that we've drawn all that out is in each of those nine steps, what's the transformation that you're going to take them through? So when we put all those transformations together in that logical sequence, it will actually achieve the end result. The greatest program is one that takes you step by step. Implementation is the in key taking action on what it is that you learn so that you are then ready to go to the next step. So, who do I need to become? What do I need to have done so that I can go to the next step? So, nine smaller transformations within the overall transformation of your program.
And the third thing to work on as we design your 'Unique Roadmap' is to design the tools and the templates that your clients are going to use to go through those transformations. In this program that I run, I've been mentioning a number of those over the last few weeks. So for example, as we go through this stage, there are templates that you go through for mapping out that hierarchy and for then looking at each individual step, looking at what that actually achieves for them and what the transformation is. So whatever your program is, is going to help your clients get there faster by using tools and templates. People love 'done-for-you'. People love to have a structure that shows them exactly what they need to do and what tools and templates do is take information and turn it into transformation. So, the third thing we want to consider as we put together the program, now that we know what the steps and stages are and we know what the transformations are, is what are the tools that I need to develop so that as they're going through those individual modules or lessons or parts of my program, I can help them to go through faster and get the result that they want. So, the end result is we have an implementation toolkit that they're able to use and go through the program and get results. What that is going to do is, as they go through, they're going to get more confidence. They're going to continue the program and actually complete it and get the result that you promised that they were going to get that's going to help them in their life, and it's going to help with your credibility. They're going to talk about your program because they actually got the result that they wanted. It wasn't just an information fest that they listened to some videos, and they looked at some notes that you'd put together. There was actually things that they needed to do along the way.
Well, that's the design phase of your program. If you would love to get some help on designing your online coaching program so that you can get out there and help more people and be a greater influence in the world, making a consistent income and a bigger impact in your world, then reach out. Put a comment down below. If you're listening to this on the podcast, I'd love you to leave a five star review and ask your question, put your insights in there. What's been most valuable for you as I've taken you through this program, as I've taken you through this first stage? What questions do you still have that I can answer?
I love how I now, through changing what I'm doing because of pivoting through COVID as we've all had to do, that I can help coaches get that clarity that they need, that confidence that they need to get out there with their online coaching and change the lives that are waiting to be changed. I've really enjoyed doing this series with you and I look forward to continuing the journey as together, we help to change the world one life at a time. Well, that's it from me for another week. Join me again next week as we continue the conversation. Make sure that you hit the subscribe button and you click on the little bell so that you hear when I'm online again. I'll see you then.