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Taking Your Performance to the Next Level

'Mediocre' - this a word that we use to describe average performance and creates conflict within our management team. Some people are just satisfied with routine and scheduled work. They wake up every morning, dress-up, commute to work, do their daily tasks, wrap up, punch out and that’s it! They are content with their output as long as it is ‘enough’. If new tasks are given to them they complain. They will do it just to get it done with performance at an “ok” level only. They become like robots, programmed to do a specific task, and when installed with another program they immediately crash due to overload.

If your work performance is mediocre you may end up realizing that you are just wasting your resources. You may experience burnout, demotivated and be outgunned by newbies that are still enthusiastic. Not only that, there is also a phrase that says; “your performance affects your surroundings”. By this we can see that your work performance not only affects your workplace, it affects the people you work with and the company as a whole. If your performance is stagnant, the company you are working for would also be stagnant. A stagnant company finds it hard to adapt in our fast-changing economic world and run the risk of being overrun by other competitive companies.

Do you need to LEVEL UP your performance? Let me show you how:

There are three simple steps that will take your performance to another level.


First, let’s consider the pillars of performance and then evaluate yourself in each of them. What do you do well and what can you improve?

• Integration – the active coordination of the brain with the body.

• Balance – keeping your body and mind performing at their best.

• Ethics – having sound principles and moral values that serve as foundation of all your actions.

• Mental Readiness – preparation of your mind for the things that may come in order to optimise your capabilities.


Motivation is internal so it’s up to you to motivate yourself!

Motivation is the driving force you need to achieve your desire for excellence. Start your day being optimistic. Take challenges as opportunities for you to grow and harness your skills. Being positive creates the right atmosphere in your workplace that helps to eliminate stress and negativity. Be creative and innovative in motivating yourself. Do things that excite you and set goals for them. Don’t just settle for the ‘ok’ version of you. Always aim for your best!


Lastly is to engage. Be involved in your workplace. Instead of just sitting around and doing your usual routine, stay open to opportunities that can help you excel. If there is an additional workload, do your best with it and always seek to on your previous output. As the famous Nike tag line always says, “Just do it”.

Being ‘okay’ with your performance is not going to give you what you want. Replace being mediocre in your workplace by slowly becoming a major contributor to your company’s success. Always aspire for great results, going the extra mile and take your performance to the next level.

Here’s a great thought to leave you with as you get ready to take on the 3 steps for yourself.

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson

At People Builders, we believe that everyone can grow and achieve more. Our team are ready and willing to roll up our sleeves with you and help. All you need to do is decide to step up and then call us in to get you started.

Contact us today to engage us to ‘Bring Out YOUR Personal Best’.

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