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The 9 Crucial Leadership Shifts


Leadership is not about a set of skills alone to tell people what to do. Leadership starts from within.

This week, I will start laying a platform around 9 crucial areas that you and I need to focus on, even more so in today's marketplace, to become a leader that leads yourself well, gets more done and can lead people on the journey with you as well.

1. Identity

2. Intelligence

3. Intention

4. Performance

5. Positioning

6. Productivity

7. Resilience

8. Relationships

9. Results

These are the nine crucial shifts that every leader of today needs to go through in their Personal, Professional, and People leadership.

I know from the work that I've done in my own life and from working with many others just like you these are key competency areas. These are not nice to have. They are areas of focus for right now.



Today’s world needs today's leadership skills!

Knowing what you need to work on as a leader can sometimes be confusing. If that's the case for you, stick with me because today and continuing as we start 2023, we will look at the specific leadership skills and competencies you need to focus on so that you can be the best leader of yourself and others.

Hi, this is Grant Herbert, Emotional Intelligence Speaker and Trainer and Sustainable Performance Coach, and today I want to continue the conversation we started at the end of 2022 around leadership by giving you the nine crucial shifts for every leader.

This is my first full week back in 2023. Over the last few weeks, we looked at the end of the year, and we took from it what we could bring forward into this year. We did it in a way that would empower us rather than hold us back.

Before we did that, we started a conversation about leadership. We looked at the three facets of leadership which are Personal, Professional, and People Leadership.

We agreed that leadership is not about a set of skills alone to tell people what to do. Leadership starts from within. I want to continue going through this, and I want to chunk down even deeper into each of those three areas.

To do that, I want to start today by laying a platform around 9 crucial areas that you and I need to focus on, even more so in today's marketplace, to become a leader that leads yourself well, gets more done, and can lead people on the journey with you as well.

Of the nine crucial shifts, there are three in each area. What I want to do today is just unpack them so you are introduced to what they are. Then, we’ll go deeper into each of those over the next nine weeks.

These shifts are crucial, they aren't just nice to have.

These shifts, from what I've found in my own leadership experience and from working with thousands of emerging and established leaders all around the world, are the ones that are going to give you the most bang for your buck.

They're the ones that are going to help you to overcome the problems that you are facing through this super VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world that we're in right now. We have talked about what VUCA is all about prior to the pandemic. Now, even more so, we have that situation, particularly around uncertainty. So, let’s start this journey together so that you and I can lead well in 2023 and beyond.

The first shift is in the area of Identity.

Identity is who you believe you are, rather than performance which is what you do. Identity is the belief structure that you have about yourself. It's your limiting or false beliefs. It's your level of self-worth. Identity determines whether or not you take care of yourself, and particularly an area I love to work in to help people to build their Identity as the foundation for all things leadership.

The shift you go through here is to go from being conflicted about who you are, to acting congruently and staying true to your values and who you are, getting a true picture of who you are, and not looking for external validation to say who you are.

The second shift is in the area of your Intelligence.

This intelligence shift is being able to recognise that your technical skills and your cognitive intelligence can only get you so far. This area is about going from that singular intelligence to multiple intelligence; and looking at your emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and creative intelligence.

It is able to recognise that there's more to you than what you do, and really tapping in and getting awareness around the internal area — the area that sometimes is a little bit uncomfortable to talk about.

I'm going to take you through and help you do that in a reflective and empowering way, in a way that's going to remove forever some of those challenges you've brought with you from the past.

The third shift is around your Intention.

It's around going from being scattered and working in your day-to-day, seat-of-the-pants mentality to being planned and having a plan for your own life. Therefore, funneling everything that you do through that plan and through that purpose.

So those are the three main shifts in your Personal Leadership.

Then we're going move into the Professional Leadership area.

These skills are about getting your stuff done, whatever it is that you do in your career.

The first shift you will make in that area is within your Performance.

You’re going to go from a high performance which is something that we all know. You need to produce what you want in your career, but you want to make sure that you do it in a way that doesn't take away something from your health, your energy, or every other area of your life.

So, I will help you shift from focusing on high performance alone to doing things differently so they are sustainable.

This is a big area, and I've got a lot that I can share from my journey to help you with that.

The next shift is in your Positioning.

As a professional in your career, you need to position yourself in a certain way to attract the right people to work with and around you.

This shift is about going from being invisible and feeling like you're just like everybody else to being in demand. Being in demand enables you to connect with the right people and have opportunities open up for you.

The third professional leadership shift is in your Productivity.

It's about going away from time as your measure to outcomes. It's doing things differently so that you get more done with less.

Then we're going to move into the People Leadership area.

The first shift in this area is in your Resilience.

This is going from being stressed to being strong. This is going from a mindset of what you think resilience is. Sometimes it is counterintuitive to truly understand what resilience is and how you can bounce forward in and after adversity.

The eighth shift, which is extremely valuable, is in your Relationships with others.

We already dealt with your relationship with yourself in the earlier shifts. This shift is all about getting right with your relationship with others. This is about being able to use certain skills so that you can go from conflict to collaboration where you have people who want to work with you and around you, whether they’re your colleagues, the people that you are responsible for, your suppliers, your friends, whoever they are.

This shift is important because this shift has the biggest impact on our ability to lead.

The ninth shift is around your Results.

In our professional leadership area, we looked at how you get results, and that's about your input. However, one of the biggest challenges of People Leadership is getting others to produce results alongside you.

This area is what I find a big problem for leaders. It can be quite challenging to delegate stuff to others, to trust people enough to do what you used to do and have a balance between your productivity and output and being able to get through to others as well.

And that's the shift going from “Do” to “Through”.

So, those are the nine crucial shifts that every leader of today needs to go through in their Personal, Professional, and People leadership.

I know from the work that I've done in my own life and from working with many others just like you that these are key competency areas. These are not nice to have. These are areas of focus for right now.

Starting next week, we will go deeper into each of those shifts. We're going to pull them apart, and we're going to look at what that shift looks like. We'll look at why it's important and how you can make that shift.

I look forward to taking you on this journey. 2023 is your year. You just need to believe it and then do what it takes to become who you need to be to get the desired results.

I look forward to this series continuing, and I'll see you next week.

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