Thou Shalt Share Your Gifts and Talents
Every person on this planet, all seven odd billion of them, was created with giftings and talents that are unique to them and yourself. I believe that the gifts that I was created with are not for me. They're for me to share with others, and in sharing with others, I also experience joy.
This week, I want to challenge you that you do have what you need, and you need to give it to us. You need to stop short-changing us and be you. And that is why, as I said right at the start, the first of my ten commandments is to "BE YOU". Because when you are the true YOU, not the one you think others need you to be. Your gifts and talents will flow naturally; we'll experience them, and so will you.
Are you up for the challenge of sharing your gifts and talents?
Are you somebody that tends to hold back so that you aren't exposed and that people get to judge you? Do you know that you've got more in you that you can share, but you still don't feel confident that others will value that? Do you fear the judgment of not being good enough for them and, therefore, not belonging and not being liked?
This week, I want to challenge you that "Thou Shalt Share Your Gifts and Talents."
Every person on this planet, all seven odd billion of them, was created with giftings and talents that are unique to them and yourself. I believe that the gifts that I was created with are not for me. They're for me to share with others, and in sharing with others, I also experience joy.
So why are you holding back and not sharing those gifts, those talents? Is it because you are comparing your gifts and talents with others? Is it because you have a belief about yourself that is not serving you? Perhaps you're not in that position of self-approval yet. Maybe you still have uncertainties, and you're still fighting that performance trap.
Well, it's time to move on. You need what you've got. Come on— share it with us.
It's like you were driving down the road and you came across a field full of gold nuggets, and the first thought you had was: "I wish I'd have brought my trailer", but you didn't.
So you filled your car with as many gold nuggets as possible. So what would you do? Would you just drive off now and forget about it? No.
What you'd do is you would jump on the phone, and you'd call all your friends and go: "Hey, I just found something that's going to benefit all of us." And you'd invite them to come on down, bring their trailer, and take what they could from that field. You would share the goodness, the gift, the talent. I think you know where I'm going here.
You need to do that with your genius, knowledge, and experience. There is so much from your journey of imperfection so far that could help so many people. Yet you're holding it back for fear of not being good enough, of not being accepted. And what that's doing. It's leaving a void in the world.
All the people in the world have those unique gifts and talents; I believe that's so that they can come together and co-create a greater future. Yet, if you are all holding back little bits and pieces, the puzzle's not finished, and you experience less than what is possible.
So where are you holding back your giftings, your talents? What I'd encourage you to do (if, by the way, you still feel you don't have any) is to work more on your personal power to build that up. To go through an exercise where you look back through your life and see where you have evidence that you have giftings and talents.
What have you learned? What have you grown in? And come up with a list of things you could share and then have the courage to step up and to step out and expand your current comfort zone and start sharing those things.
It could be that you are doing something like I am right now. You're jumping in front of a camera and sharing some knowledge, some wisdom, some support, and some help with others. It doesn't have to be tough. There are many ways that you can do it. It could be stepping up into a role at work that requires you to use those giftings and talents, whatever it is.
I want to challenge you that you do have what you need, and you need to give it to us. You need to stop short-changing us and be you. And that is why, as I said right at the start, the first of my ten moments is to "BE YOU". Because when you are the true YOU, not the one you think others need you to be. Your gifts and talents will flow naturally; we'll experience them, and so will you.
Well, that's it for me for another week. Join me again next week as we continue this conversation around my “Ten commandments for Enjoying Your Life.”
I'll see you.