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You Are Really Intelligent


Some organisations judge the value of their employees by their technical abilities and skills because they think these skills are the ones their clients are...

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Strengthening Your Identity


Personal leadership is about who you are. It's the foundation for everything you learn and do as a leader. Therefore, it’s the most important part of your...

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The 9 Crucial Leadership Shifts


Leadership is not about a set of skills alone to tell people what to do. Leadership starts from within.

This week, I will start laying a platform around 9 crucial...

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Renewing Your Vows to Yourself


As you finished off last year, you looked at a process where you reflected on the progress that you'd made. You refocused on what's important because you...

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Refocus on What Matters Most


Sometimes, because of the happenings in your life, what’s important to you, like your dreams, goals, and values, have been obscured.

It’s like looking...

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Celebrate How Far You've Come


Forward Focused Reflection is looking through the lens of where you're going and not getting stuck in where you've been. It's about driving down the road on the...

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