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The Many Faces of Leadership


Do you see yourself as a leader, or do you think that's just a title that people have when they have a team that they have to tell what to do?

Well, stick with me...

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Leading in the Age of AI


Do you find that it's even a little bit more difficult right now to lead your people?

There’s a lot more uncertainty. We've got people quiet quitting and...

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Building an Environment of Trust


Do your people really trust you? Is your organisation fostering an environment where people are able to rely on each other and where that negative energy that...

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Coaching Sustainable Performance


There’s a lot of burnouts going on around the world right now. People are feeling more stressed, tired and disengaged. The presenteeism statistics have gone...

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Getting Results through Collaboration


Throughout my entire corporate career, I was a bit of a loner. I used to just get stuff done and got it done well. The problem with that, though, was as I moved...

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Building Lifetime Bonds


A lot of relationships that we have are very surface level, and at the first sign of any conflict, they tend to fall away. What you want to do is develop a...

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