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The Healing Power of Empathy


• Can you see things from other people's perspective or do you tend to act without considering how others might feel? Hi, this is Grant Herbert,...

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Support and Accountability


• Are you a self starter who always finishes what they say they're going to do or do you sometimes start well and not get the results that you...

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Disarming Your Hot Buttons


• Are you able to keep the safety on your triggers and your hot buttons or are they open and ready to be pushed all the time?

• Hi,...

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Managing Disruptive Emotions


•  Do you find yourself always calm and control in emotionally-charged situations or do you go into complete overwhelm and lose control of...

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Changing Behaviour Patterns


• Do you have to consciously think about your poor behaviour to get it to come up or does it just turn up out of the blue without an invitation?...

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Speaking Your Truth Assertively


 Are you able to speak your truth assertively or do you hold back because you fear what people might think about you?

Hi, this is Grant...

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