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Leaders Produce more than they consume

The second vital quality a leader must develop is a productive, results-oriented attitude. While it may be true that people who feel good about themselves produce good...

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Qualities of Leadership

Everyone wants to be a better leader. Unfortunately, many people are unable to identify the specific qualities of leadership. Since these men and women do not know what...

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Build on your strengths

Whilst there are many great tools for engaging people and driving performance, such as recruiting for certain talents, setting clear expectations, praising when it is...

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Draw a line in the sand

As we head into a new year together, I want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to give themselves a break this Christmas. 2009 may have not turned out how you...

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Communicate your Personal Mission Statement

What you say you are has the power to determine what you ultimately become. You tend to fulfill your own self-definition; behaving in a way reflective of what you have...

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Without a Vision the people perish

Before we can define our goals for 2010, we need to ensure we have a clear picture of what we want our business to look like in the future. Having a vision statement in...

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