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Imagination is Crucial in Staying Relevant

In today’s demanding, fast-paced business arena, most of us are in a hustle to get a boatload of tasks in our to-do-list done on time.

However, in our pursuit to get...

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Change Your World with Imagination

On the 2nd of May 2008, the very first installment of the Avengers series - The Iron Man - made its way to the cinemas. The movie and all its sequels captured the hearts of...

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How Steve Jobs Made The World Bite the Apple

I bet most of us are familiar with the brands Apple and Mac. In fact, some of you may be using a Mac or an iPhone while reading this article.

Or if you are not a Mac or an...

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Leading with Courage in an Environment of Fear

A great leader can manoeuvre any organisation towards success.

The question is then, what makes a leader great? What is it that distinguishes great leaders from average...

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Generosity is the Key to Happiness and Fulfillment

In a world where people are continuously seeking to ‘get’ to be happy, we need to realise that we have been sold a lie. It truly is more blessed to give than...

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Strengthening your Ethics as a Leader

“Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities." - John Berger

As a leader standing up for what is right seems easy however sometimes it is...

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