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Professional Leadership For Sustainable Performance


A lot of times, you'll hear the term 'high-performance' get used. There's even a whole movement of high-performance coaches out there. And that's okay. High...

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Personal Leadership Sets The Foundation


Every person on the planet is a leader, even if they're only leading themselves. For you to do this, you need some skills.

This week, I will unpack three key...

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The 3 Facets of Leadership


You are a leader, whether you're just leading yourself, a small team, or an organisation. Leadership is not just a set of skills to tell people what to do;...

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Managing The Response To Your Emotions


Emotions are needed; they're there. Emotions are a part of every single human being. You cannot park them at the door, leave them there, and then go in and be...

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The Power of Emotional Intelligence


We are emotional beings.

Every single one of us is created with emotions as the basis for our survival, for being able to be who we need to be, and do what we need...

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Thou Shalt Not Compare Yourself to Others


For many years, I didn't get where I needed to be because I put it up against someone else in everything that I did. Instead of celebrating my progress, I was...

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