Do you find yourself continually needing to rebuild the trust that you've built with your people?
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, emotional intelligence speaker and...
Do you have a hard time getting people to buy into what you're putting down?
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, emotional intelligence speaker and trainer of the year and...
Do you just trust everybody with the title "leader", or are there certain behaviours that you look for before they tick your boxes and give them your trust?
Do you have people in your team that are really sceptical and challenging to get moving alongside you, or do they get stuck in really quick because they believe...
As a leader, do you find that your coaching tends to just be all over the place that it's hit and miss, you're not quite sure, and you get together with the...
You've decided to give this coaching thing a go and coach your people in your organisation, but you're not sure where to start.
Hi, this is Grant Herbert,...