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Beware of The 21st Century Sabre Toothed Tiger

Navigating the wilds of the modern workplace can sometimes bring out the worst in us all. Let me explain why this happens and what to do about it.

You’re already...

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Winning The War On Workplace Conflict

Conflict in the workplace is a fact of life. Our goal should not be to try and remove it altogether, but to manage it.

We’ve all seen situations where different...

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There's nothing wrong with New Years resolutions

So yet again, with monotonous regularity, another year comes to an end. People all over the globe are getting ready to celebrate the new year with friends, food and...

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"I Complete Me" - Creating Defining Moments

As we all celebrate the landmark that is 12/12/12, let’s stop and reflect on what and who defines us. Many have chosen this day to mark the occasion of their wedding,...

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50 Not Out – Prepare Your Soil For Harvest

As we start a brand new season of Spring here in Australia, it is a great time to refocus on what’s most important moving forward and reject any un-resourceful...

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Many Roads Lead To The Same Destination

One month down, eleven to go!

How quickly does the year get away from us? What has the first month given us and what did we learn? As a part of my yearly plan for Twenty...

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